May 14, 2021 by admin@@admin

In Romagna there is good food!

Of course, food is one of the strong points of the whole country Italy, but in the area between Bologna, Ravenna, Imola and Forlì, Rimini, Cesena and Faenza there are many typical products and dishes that are really worth trying.

We want to suggest you some of them. So here are the 5 typical Romagna dishes that you should absolutely try.



During a holiday in Romagna you absolutely have to taste the real Piadina romagnola, queen of the street food.

It is a flat focaccia prepared with white flour, water, salt, olive oil or lard. Sometimes also baking soda. The recipes and shapes vary according to the area: the piadina of Rimini is wider and thinner, the piadina of Cesena is smaller and thicker.

The piadina can be eaten instead of bread for lunch, or stuffed in a thousand different ways.
It is very yummy with mortadella, another typical product, but the version with raw ham, squacquerone cheese and rocket is a classic.


pasta fresca

Tra i piatti tipici romagnoli da provare non può mancare la pasta fresca.

Among the typical Romagne dishes to try there cannot be missing fresh pasta.

The art of rolling out the dough makes part of the local culture.
The pasta only prepared with flour and eggs is the basis for making tagliatelle, strozzapreti, garganelli di Ravenna and strichetti.
If the fresh pasta is stuffed then we have ravioli and the cappelletti.

The recipes for consuming fresh pasta are endless. If for tortellini the most famous version is the one in soup, for tagliatelle Bolognese sauce is one of the best choices.

In the large category of fresh pasta, there is also lasagna, one of the most loved Italian dishes in the world.


Affacciata sul mare, la cucina romagnola ha tra i suoi ingredienti principali anche il pesce.

Situated directly on the sea, Romagne kitchen has fish among its main ingredients.

One of the dishes that best illustrate the combination of sea and countryside is polenta with clams.
This is a very simple dish: the cooked clams are poured in their sauce directly on the polenta. This simplicity leaves space for imagination, so each location (and each restaurant and each family) has its own version.


brodetto di pesce

One of the typical Romagne dishes with a long history is the fish stew. It is a soup that fishermen prepared to use the leftovers of the catch.

As you expect, there is not one defined recipe: all depends on the season or on what you find on the market: it can be used corpion fish, conger eels, monkfish, mallets, and again, squid and cuttlefish, prawns, crabs, mantis shrimp, mussels and clams.

All the fish is cooked in a saucepan with tomato sauce, white wine and aromatic herbs.

Once ready to be served, the fish stew is served with croutons or a piadina.

Do you have any doubt about what to visit during your vacation? Discover some of the most interesting places in Romagna and its beautiful beaches!